



research institutes, PRI, Lukasiewicz Network, PAS, R&D


Purpose - The purpose of the research is to evaluate the activities of research institutes in Poland through the prism of their business attractiveness and innovation expressed in the form of patents.

Research method - The theoretical part of the article uses documentary analysis, comparative analysis, case study and critical analysis of the literature, and the empirical part uses the zero unitization method to normalize the diagnostic features.

Results - The empirical analysis for 2019 indicated that institutes obtained the highest results in raising funds from companies, followed by filing and obtaining patents. The institutes performed least well in raising funds from abroad. The Lukasiewicz Network institutes obtained the highest averages in patents, funds received from abroad and from enterprises. The ranking of the surveyed units obtained on the basis of their performance indicated that some scientific institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences could be included in the group of research institutes.

Originality /value / implications /recommendations - Individual and group evaluations of institutes have been made on the basis of the effects of their activities, which distinguishes this study. Rankings have been made of the best units in terms of the analyzed areas of the units' activities. Then possible shifts between groups of institutes were suggested, which should improve the level of efficiency of the system of research institutes in Poland. In the future, the survey should be expanded to include all institutes and the analysis period should be increased by several years.


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