Merchants that accept non-cash payments are the sponsors for the cashless turnover in Poland.
As they accept the card payment their income is reduced by the fee paid for the card issuers.
The fee they pay is called the intercharge fee. It is the main part of service fees for card
terminals maintenance. This fee is a burden for cashless turnover, discouraging merchants for
card terminals installing. Moreover clients have reduced possibility of non-cash payments and
are made to pay cash or find other stores that accept payments with the card. Intercharge fee
in Poland used to be the highest in the whole European Union. The regulation dated of 29th
of January 2015 reduced it. This regulation aim at increasing cashless payments and make
polish acquirers competitive on the European market.
Key words: Intercharge fee, Acquirer, Payment institution, Cashless payment, Payment card.
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Raporty i opracowania
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