
  • Anna Schulz
  • Edward Czarnecki


Keywords: electronic banking, generation Y, social media, social marketing,
the adoption of e-banking
In the last decade there has been considerable development of
electronic banking channels. Despite the spread of the e-banking
services number of people in Poland using this form is still low
in comparison to Europe or the world, even among the young
people. This paper aims to show the ability to gain the young
people of Generation Y to the e-banking by using tools off ered
by social media and mobile communication devices. The paper
contains a description of the points/characteristics of Y Generation,
important from a marketing perspective, a discuss the current
level of use of the Internet by the Polish society and an analysis of
the involvement of Polish banks in social networks.
The paper shows that Polish banks do not take full advantage of social
media in the expansion of electronic banking channels and shows
that there are great opportunities in this area. Whereas Polish banks
are among the leaders in the region in the development of mobile
banking channel, although they are still at the beginning of the road.


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