
  • Марченко Ю.В. Національного Інституту Стратегічних Досліджень, м. Київ, Україна


Key words: enterprise, enterprise safety, power, business.
The article deals with socio-political criteria of estimation of efficiency of the system
of enterprise safety in a separate country. They are needed as eventual orienteer
of national development and foundation for the estimation of quality of democratic
processes in socio-economic and socio-political life. In fact, coming from world
experience, the successes of enterprise, its social and economic efficiency define
quality of life of people in a country. This problem is especially actual for the postsocialist
states, which are on the initial stage of becoming of both social institute of
enterprise and the system of its safety from threats.
As the main criteria of efficiency of the national system of enterprise safety measure
of its protection and possibilities of free realization of enterprise initiative were
grounded. They are exposed in the article and can be appraised in practice through
such partial indexes:
• a measure of dialog in the co-operation between public authorities and businessmen
during realization of regulator policy;
• force and inflexibility of the administrative setting of norms of this co-operation;
• forming of the system of enterprise safety: presence of all of the components and
closeness of intercommunications between them;
• degree of social responsibility of business and state possibilities of its realization;
• displays of abuses by public authorities during realization of regulator policy;
• correlation of centralization and decentralization in a state regional management
of the entrepreneurial activity;
• force of state stimulation of business development;
• possibilities of businessmen expert influence on the projects of normatively legal
acts on relevant questions.



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