
  • Paweł Strzemecki Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie


The subject of corporate crises is important and in recent years has gained great importance,
mainly by the subprime crisis, where the majority of companies in the world felt its effects
and had to adapt their operations to the changed market realities. Currently, the corporate
crisis topic is not often discussed because as the world economy has improved and gained
momentum. Nevertheless, this is an ideal situation for the existence of a crisis as managers
attention, in the possibility of a crisis occurring in their company, has decreased.
This article presents the issues related to the anti-crisis management, which apply to prevention
and further development of crises in companies, as well as methods which can eliminate the
crisis once it occurs. Different management styles are being examined in terms of effectiveness
and strategic options for recovery. The article adopted the thesis that changes in the market
and lack of response to them can cause a corporate crisis. On the basis of the arguments used
in the article, it can be concluded that any changes in the market should be analyzed and
evaluated. If the analysis indicates any potential hazard then strategies shall be developed
and implemented in the company at the appropriate time.
Key words: Crisis, Anti-crisis management, Crisis strategies



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