
  • Wioleta Dąbrowska Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie


The article introduces the export potential of Lubelskie Voivodship enterprises. It presents the
latest statistical data adequate for all operators, regardless of the ownership form or size of
enterprise, which in 2014 were active in export. It describes a geographical and commodity
structure of export for 2014, based on the combined nomenclature, the Common Customs Tariff
and Integrated Tariff of the European Communities (TARIC).8 Statistical data, concerning
the external trade turnover volume of Lubelskie Voivodship enterprises, including commodity
codes and territories of destination, have been obtained from the sets of the Analytical Center
of the Customs Administration (CAAC), Customs Chamber in Warsaw. Information about
traders and trading of goods, was based exclusively on the data gained from SAD documents
and INTRASTAT declaration. These are the actual data, without estimates. They are derived
from the open set, which means, that until the final approval of GUS report, they may be
changed (final approval of the report shall take place in August 2015, after completion of the
reporting obligation by the authorized institutions). The article lists the most important cities
of Lubelskie Voivodship, bringing together the greatest number of exporters. There was
presented the commodity structure of export by selected sections, the export value has been
measured and relevant data presented for the following months of 2014. In addition, there
were pointed out main export deliveries according to the territory of destination. This article
constitutes the way for further considerations concerning export activity of enterprises and
its specificities in Lubelskie Voivodship.
Key words: export, lubelskie voivodship, export potential, combined nomenclature, export
destinations, foreign trade volumes, commodity sections



Pozycje książkowe

Ambroziak A.A., Struktura Handlu zagranicznego polskich województw [w]: Polska raport

o konkurencyjności 2013, Wymiar krajowy i regionalny, pod. red. M. Weresy. Oficyna Wydawnicza

Szkoły Głównej Handlowej w Warszawie, Warszawa 2013, s. 266

Friedrich C.J., Weber A., Alfred Weber’s theory of the location of industries, University of

Chicago Press, Chicago, 1929, s. 124

Hoover E.M., Lokalizacja działalności gospodarczej, Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe,

Warszawa 1962, s. 124 – 125

Lösch A., Gospodarka przestrzenna. Teoria lokalizacji, Państwowe Wydawnictwo Ekonomiczne,

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Myrdal G., Teoria ekonomii a kraje gospodarczo rozwinięte, Polskie Wydawnictwo Gospodarcze,

Warszawa 1958, s.48 – 49

Akty prawne

Rozporządzenie Rady (EWG) nr 2658/87 z dnia 23 lipca 1987 r. w sprawie nomenklatury

taryfowej i statystycznej oraz w sprawie Wspólnej Taryfy Celnej




