An intensified process of internationalization of businesses of national enterprises
in connection with opening of economies of other countries to an international
cooperation emphasizes the importance of a contracting party who is
mainly responsible for the success of transactions. The activity of enterprises
on the global market is accompanied by a multi-dimensional risk of a diverse
character and intensification. This article describes one of the elements connected
with a transaction risk in a foreign trade, namely delays in payments on
the side of foreign purchasers. For this purpose results of a research carried out
in June 2014 were used. The research was performed by Atradius Credit Insurance
N.V. Joint Stock Comapny, under the name Payment Practices Barometer,
International Survey of B2B Payment Behaviour. The article specifies main
reasons of occurring of outstanding settlements and practices of Polish entrepreneurs
aiming at reducing the risk of a non-payment, as well as actions taken
when payments are delayed. Consequences of defaults in payments substantially
endanger the activity of enterprises, they cause a deterioration of a financial
liquidity, sometimes they even become the reason of enterprise’s bankruptcy.
Therefore, it is necessary to obtain accurate and objective information allowing
to assess a contracting party’s credibility and solvency. The only solution is to
take up cooperation with specialized domestic and foreign institutions rendering
such services.
Key words: delayed payments in a foreign trade, transaction risk, settlements of
foreign transactions, foreign trade, international cooperation, contracting party
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Raporty badań
• Barometr Praktyk Płatniczych, Atradius Peyment Practices Barometer, International
survey of B2B payment behaviour, czerwiec 2014r.