
  • Lech Bylicki


Key words: environmental protection in Poland and EU, system of funding environmental
protection in Poland and EU, influence of accession to European Union on environmental
protection in Poland
Environmental protection and rational utilization of natural resources may be analyzed
from the standpoint of limited resources as well as from the point of view
of various economic endeavors. More often one may come across a statement that
such economic conditions should be created which could make rational management
of natural resources possible.
Thus there exists a need to draw attention to the limitation of natural resources
and to the necessity for business entities to make certain choices on macroecomomic
level. There is a need to choose between different ecological policies which are
shaping specified methods of proceeding in the area of protection of environment
and natural resources.
International obligations in relation to environmental protection are essential
elements in creating economic and social reality. Accession of Poland to the European
Union served as a basis for changes in many aspects: legal, political, economical
and social, but first of all, in the aspect of environmental protection.
Poland must in a short period of time, with limited financial resources, catch
up with countries which for many years had been reaching an adequate level of
Thus in this elaboration much space has been reserved for, inter alia, the analysis
of approach towards environmental protection in Poland and EU. The influence
of European integration process on these problems was also presented. Much
attention was devoted to the characteristics of economic aspects of environmental
protection. Reference was also made to the financial costs borne to protect the environemnt.
The activity of funds for environmental protection, water management
and BOŚ (bank for the protection of environment) in relation to funding such ventures
which serve environmental protection was analyzed. Against this background
also the system of funding environmental protection policies in European
Union was discussed.



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