Key words: financial markets, enterprises, outside capital, factoring
An interest in the factoring seems at least potentially high, very number of agreements
is small, if not scanty, taking the quantity of active enterprises into consideration
in Poland, reaching two million. Various sources in addition are giving
completely diversified sizes, amongst which the view that in Poland he is using the
factoring is dominating to no more than 10 000 of entrepreneurs. However having
considered the fact that the majority of such agreements has disposable character,
we don’t have sources of pride. Apart from that these enterprises which are using
the factoring are made interested above all in his fundamental function - financial,
whereas other services practically are occasionally appearing. Very discouraged
entrepreneurs are conditions institutions offering the factoring are putting which,
e.g. high limit of turnovers, the minimal invoice values, requirements concerning
Making the attempt of synthetic determining the reasons for the paucity of agreements
facktoring an unequivocal answer is arising: costs and the scarce knowledge
of entrepreneurs to this subject. All examinations, including market surveys
they are confirming that companies don’t often simply know this service, and if
already heard about her, were these are negative opinions. Such an opinion is being
created in the significant degree by the dislike for the disclosure of information
concerning enterprise and his finances and anxiety of loss of the control over the
accounts receivable management. One outing remains - education, but effective.
Kreczmańska – Gigol K., Windykacja należności, Difin, Warszawa 2011
Grzywacz J., Faktoring , Difin, Warszawa, 2005
Jonasz E., Faktoring jako jedna z metod finansowania przedsiębiorstwa na polskim
rynku finansowym, Promotor, Warszawa 2008,