
  • Andrzej Jagodziński
  • Radosław Knap


Key words: organizational culture, scientific research, research stages, research
problems, research instruments, (dependent variable), (independent variables).
Every organization represents two levels: an open one - conscious and implicit -
Apart from the open mission, aims and tasks each organization also represents values,
needs or standards of behaviour which are not realized by the majority of
employees and which vitally affect the company’s operation. This study proves that
the pro-effective culture enhances the company’s attractiveness as an employer, it
positively influences employees’ motivation and loyalty and makes up a decisive
factor in the process of attracting the most talented candidates to work. In order to
achieve it the companies must first recognize and then implement the common values
and standards characterizing a given culture of the organization. The question
is: how to examine the company’s organizational culture?
The present paper makes up an attempt of presenting the research methodology of
the organizational culture. The authors quite clearly and comprehensibly inform
how to conduct the research which is to lead to the proper diagnosis of the organizational
Metodologia badania kultury organizacyjnej



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