Tendencies and forecast of ukraine’s economic development during 2014-2017


  • Galina Myskiv Lviv Institute of Economy and Tourism, Ukraine


DOI: 10.19251/ne/2017.25(9)

The article deals with dynamics of the main indicators of Ukraine’s economic development during 2014-2016 and highlights the main reasons of such a condition. The author has identified the forecast trends for Ukraine in 2017, based on data of the IMF, the EBRD and the state government. The article stipulates that economic growth in Ukraine in 2017 will be completely dependent on investment and exports and will resolve long-standing structural problems, overcoming macroeconomic instability, because domestic demand will recover slowly. Special attention is given to investment and trade cooperation between Ukraine and Poland. The author analyzed the statistical data of export-import operations and investments between the countries.

Keywords: economic development, main indicators, GDP, unemployment, inflation, export, import



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