global financial and economic crisis 2007/2008, globalization of financial markets, financial institutions, stability of the banking sector, identification and man¬agement of financial risk, credit risk, bank failureAbstract
The aim of this article is to analyze the quality of risk management by financial institutions. Such an approach is important from the point of view of maintaining stability in the banking sector. Improper risk management led to the outbreak of the greatest financial and banking crisis that hit the world economy at the turn of 2007/2008. The crisis began in the US mortgage market, subsequently affected most countries in the world, especially highly developed ones in Western Europe. The collapse of the fourth largest American bank, Lehman Brothers, and the threat of bankruptcy of other American banks contributed to the spread of the crisis beyond the US borders. Information about the poor condition of banks in the US caused a crisis of confidence in the interbank market and, as a consequence, banks stopped lending money to each other, fearing the insolvency of their partners. Such a situation resulted from the American banking institutions improper identification of financial risk. Firstly, the requirements for borrowers were lowered, and secondly, inappropriate criteria for measuring credit risk were assumed, disregarding the important issue of the ability to repay loans. Therefore, proper financial risk management was and continues to be of such an importance for the stability of financial markets, not only at national level, but mainly at international one.
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