helix model, development, innovation, knowledge, economy, regionAbstract
The purpose of this article is to analyze the conditions of the functioning of the helix model in a dynamic approach, as well as to synthetically present how changes in the development conditions of the modern world economy, including primarily technological changes as well as the processes of globalization, integration and regionalization as well as a qualitative subjective change, affect the evolution of the helix model and its application abilities. The main research hypothesis was formulated as follows: “The development concept based on a helix evolves towards the expansion of planes and groups of entities dynamising development processes and also increasing the quality of this development, mainly in the innovative plane.” The article uses the descriptive method and the methods of non-reactive research, especially the historical-comparative method, e.g. in order to present the differences in the construction of the helix models as well as to show the evolution of the entire model concept, a critical analysis of scientific publications relating to the theoretical conditions of the model as well as the analysis of documents and reports relating to the subject matter described. The analysis shows that knowledge plays a fundamental role both in the theoretical layer of the helix models and in their application aspects. However, in order to be able to draw from knowledge resources, a flexible and dynamic approach to the subjective structure in the created models of the helix is necessary. It is mainly manifested by the necessity to engage new groups of entities to cooperate as well as to change the attitudes of participants and implement modern forms of both cooperation and communication based on Industry 4.0
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