


party funding, political parties, state budget


The paper looks at subsequent party finance regulations in Poland and analyzes their im­pact on party budgets. An overview of four stages of party finance regulation is given, starting with a laissez-faire Party Law of 1990 with no state party funding at all but with ample opportunities for raising money in an­other ways. Second stage starts with the elec­toral law of 1993 and ends when Party Law of 1997 is adopted. In this period state party funding is introduced as a reimbursement of electoral expenses. In the third period start­ing the introduction of new Party Law adopt­ed in 1997 state party funding is expanded. Current way of party funding, still in place but with some adjustments, was introduced in 2001 by the amendment to the Party Law of 1997. State party funding was kept, how­ever with loosened requirements for being entitled to access it. The paper concludes that consequent changes to party finance gave more public money to political parties and now they rely heavily on state funding and the share of it is greater after elections.


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