
  • Sebastian Skuza Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Zarządzania


Remuneration shaping in the social, political and economic context occurring
in the economy, is of particular importance in the employment relationship.
The author takes into account the specificities of the Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego
activities in the context of the remuneration of its board members in
respect of the national and community regulation. The Bank Gospodarstwa
Krajowego was appointed by the state to fulfill the public service mission,
in particular by the financial support of the economic policy of the Council
of Ministers. In the present article, the author focuses mainly on the issue of
the Law&Economics in the area of remuneration of the management board
members of the Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego. The purpose of this article is
an attempt to give application value conducted by studies i.e. preparing a draft
project of legal solutions.
Keywords: the Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego, Law&Economics, remuneration
of board members, pay policy.



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