


delisting, dematerialisation of shares, Warsaw Stock Exchange, bankruptcy, merger and acquisition


The purpose of the article is to assess the significance of the delisting of companies from the Warsaw Stock Exchange and the impact of it on the development of the stock exchange.

The article discusses the delisting of companies from the main market of the Warsaw Stock Exchange. The exclusion of a company from trading on the stock market is regulated by many regulations, which precisely describe the procedures and conditions of this operation. The work begins with an analysis of the legal provisions regarding the possibility of companies leaving the Warsaw Stock Exchange depending on the entity initiating this operation.

Collecting in the article statistical and qualitative data concerning significant data from the WSE, the number of companies listed on the stock exchange, number of IPO and delisting made it possible to determine the significance of the delisting from the stock exchange for the functioning of the market.

The author also compared and analyzed detailed data on the reasons for leaving the stock exchange in the years 2000 to 2020. This made it possible to create a list of all the reasons for listed companies leaving the WSE and to determine which of them are the most important. According to the statistics presented, most companies were delisted on the WSE as a result of the abolition of the dematerialisation of shares (79). Another reason was a takeover or merger (64), while 65 companies were withdrawn from the stock exchange due to bankruptcy. However, it should be emphasized that the creation of a ranking of withdrawals depends on their typology and qualifications.

The data results presented in the article prove the need for further analysis of the subject of withdrawing companies from the Stock Exchange and the impact on the polish capital market.


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