Economic Sciences:
e-ISSN 2719-5368
ISSN 2719-4175
DOI 10.19251/ne/
Publishing procedure
- Article 267 paragraph 2 point 2 of the Act of 20 July 2018 - Law on higher education and science (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 1668, with later amendments)
- Section 9 of the Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of 22 February 2019 on the evaluation of the quality of scientific activity (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 392.)
- The Publishing House of the Masovian State University in Płock, hereinafter referred to as the Publishing House, implements a publishing procedure.
- The publishing procedure applies to all scientific research papers published in scientific journals issued by the Publishing House of the Masovian State University in Płock.
- All parties involved in the publication process (publisher, editor of a reviewed scientific monograph or monograph under the scientific editor, editor of a scientific journal, reviewer, and author) are obligated to comply with this Publishing Procedure, The Procedure of the reviewed scientific research papers published in scientific journals issued by Publishing House of the Masovian State University in Płock and the Principles of Publishing Ethics applicable at the Publishing House of the Masovian State University in Płock.
- The author, mediated by the Open Journal Systems (OJS), submits an article to the journal prepared according to the Editorial Requirements and fills the declaration (attachment no.1) including:
- statement of originality of the work and the transfer of the exclusive right to publish and distribute monographs in the printed and electronic form to the publisher;
- in the case of co-authorship, percentage involvement in the preparation work of individual authors;
- statement of the acquaintance of the Principles of Publishing Ethics;
- in the case of external authors, confirmation of the acquaintance of the information clause;
- The secretary of the journal receives an e-mail (sent automatically by the system) about a new submittal; checks if every element has been sent correctly to the system by the author;
- The secretary of the journal in association with the Publishing House secretary verifies the text with the anti-plagiarism tool and then assigns the article to the executive editor of the journal.
- The review procedure (internal and external) described in the document titled The procedure of scientific review of scientific research papers published in scientific journals issued by the Publishing House of the Masovian State University in Płock begins.
- The executive editor, after extending an invitation to the reviewers, imparts essential reviewers’ data to the Publishing House secretary, who launches the procedure of preparing the appropriate agreements.
- After finishing the review procedure, the executive editor of the journal decides whether to accept or reject the text. In case of accepting text for print, the author accepts the final version of the article.
- After receiving from the executive editor the final versions of articles with the author’s statements, the results of the anti-plagiarism procedure, and the reviews, the Publishing house secretary initiates the process of typesetting and printing the journal.
- The Publishing House, in consultation with the Editorial Office or the Scientific Council of the journal, follows the procedure recommended by COPE in case of detection of scientific unreliability. The algorithm of the procedure can be found on the website:
- In case of making adjustments by the author of the article after the approval of its final version, the costs of those adjustments are borne by the author.