Editorial requirements




FIRST AUTHOR (Times New Roman, size 10, centred text)

E-mail address (Times New Roman, size 10, centred text)

Author’s affiliation (Times New Roman, size 10, centred text)

ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0000-0000-0000 (Times New Roman, size 10, centred text)


SECOND AUTHOR (Times New Roman, size 10, centred text)

E-mail address (Times New Roman, size 10, centred text)

Author’s affiliation (Times New Roman, size 10, centred text)

ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0000-0000-0000 (Times New Roman, size 10, centred text)




(Times New Roman, bold, capitals, size 12, centred text)1

1 Article received …………., accepted ……….


(Times New Roman, bold, size 10, centred text,
1000-1500 characters including spaces)

Purpose –

Research methods –

Results – …

Originality / value / implications / recommendations – …


Key words2 (Times New Roman, size 10, justified text): ………

2 Key words: important terms in the title and abstract; general terms, plural terms, and multi-word concepts should be avoided (for example, avoid "and", "with"); specific keywords can be found in Google Trends and Google AdWords).

Introduction (Times New Roman, bold, size 12, centred text)

(Times New Roman, size 12, justified text, spacing 1,5).

This part should contain a theoretical introduction to the topics discussed in the article. Purpose and substantiation should be indicated. The introduction should not be longer than 1 page.

Literature review (Times New Roman, bold, size 12, centred text)

(Times New Roman, size 12, justified text, spacing 1,5).

In the literature review indications who has previously been interested in a similar research topic are mentioned. The results of previous research are shown in the literature background. In addition, different options and perspectives in the subject literature should be identified and documented. The text should contain the necessary references.

Rules for providing notes in the text:

Articles and monographies:

(Kowalski, 2018, p. 23);

- in case of two authors: (Kowalski, Nowak, 2016, p. 20)

- in case of three or more authors: (Kowalski et al., 2010, pp. 20-30)

Collective works: (Finances towards defiances of the contemporaneity…., 2020, p. 40)

Legal acts: (Act on…., 2019, Art.2); (Regulation…., 2020)

Research methods (Times New Roman, bold, size 12, centred text)

(Times New Roman, size 12, justified text, spacing 1,5).

This part should contain a description of research methods, description of the selection of the analysed material and research hypotheses.

Results (Times New Roman, bold, size 12, centred text)

(Times New Roman, size 12, justified text, spacing 1,5).

The research results should be presented with a detailed data interpretation.

Summary (Times New Roman, bold, size 12, centred text)

(Times New Roman, size 12, justified text, spacing 1,5).

In this section, an overall summary of the article, the results and arrangement, implications and recommendations for practice, research limitations, and suggestions for future research should be included.


The list of literature contains only the scientific studies quoted and cited in the text, i.e. marked with a note.


Patrzałek, L. (2010). Finances of local government. University of Economics Publishing in Wroclaw, Wroclaw.

Chapter in a collective work:

Adamek, J., Krawiec, W., Solarz, M. (2020). Economic and financial knowledge of the development of student entrepreneurship - results of the pilot studies, in: Finances towards challenges of the contemporaneity  – selected issues. J. Adamek (ed.). University of Economics Publishing in Wroclaw, Wroclaw.

Article in the journal:

If the article has a DOI, it must be provided it, in other cases – the URL address

Zalega, T. (2018). Sustainable  consumption in consumer behaviour of Polish seniors (report from own research). Acta Scientiarum Polonarum, 17(1). doi: 10.22630/ASPE.2018.17.1.15

Legal acts:

Act of 20 July 2018 Law on Higher Education and Science (consolidated text, Journal of Laws of the Republic of Poland 2020, item 85 with amendments)

Reports and other documents:

Inflation report (2020, July). The National Bank of Poland. https://www.nbp.pl/home.aspx?f=/polityka_pieniezna/dokumenty/raport_o_inflacji.html.

Tables and chart

Table 1. Title (Times New Roman 11, bold, spacing 1,0)

Reference: Patrzałek 2010, p. 20 (Times New Roman 10, spacing 1,0)

Chart 1. Title (Times New Roman 11, bold, spacing 1,0)

Reference: Patrzałek 2010, p. 20 (Times New Roman 10, spacing 1,0)

Data on the chart: Times New Roman 11