
  • Katarzyna Stelmarska Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie


Customers have experienced many banks transformations in the last decade.
Changes in the banking sector occurred due to increased profitability and the desire to remain
on the market banks whose financial situation has deteriorated. The consolidation of the banking
sector leads to innovation and diversification of financial solutions offered to customers.
Financial security should have special priority in the area of banking sector transformation.
Transformation of the banking sector is going in the right direction, as it contributes to the
selection of banks, which in the future will remain the market leaders ready to meet all the
expectations of their clients.
The main aim of this article is to draw attention to the financial security, which is one of the
most important factors for choosing a bank by the trader. The purpose of this article is to
identification and comparison of selected sources of financing for enterprises in the banking
sector and to present the factors that affect the bank choice by customer’s. While analyzing
the selected sources of financing: loans and leases defining the better form of investment is
not easy, as each of the described form has its advantages and disadvantages. The final decision
on the choice rests with the entrepreneur, who must determine which solution is more
convenient for him.
The author also draws attention to the public opinion towards banks. Compared to the last
two years, the level of customer confidence in the banking sector is increasing, what means
that, despite many changes that have occurred in the last decade, customers are willing to
change and are trusting banks.
Key words: credit, leasing, financing investment. safety



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