
  • Doronin A.V. National academy of agrarian sciences of Ukraine
  • Rybchak V.I. Uman national university of horticulture


DOI 10.19251/ne/2016.24(5)

The factors which caused problems in swine production of Ukraine were identified.
The trends in biogas production and consumption at farm enterprises
in swine farming were studied. The evaluation of the production efficiency
of both pork and alternative fuel – biogas – was made. A polynomial model,
which describes potential of biogas production at farm enterprises in swine
breeding in terms of natural gas in the years of 1990-2013 and envisages further
increase of this indicator, was developed. It has been established that biogas
production and consumption from swine substrates at farm enterprises will
allow producing ecologically clean alternative fuel, ensuring food safety, creating
new jobs, increasing business profits, reducing import fuel dependence.
The research results can help solve practical problems of farm enterprises in
swine production and in agrarian business in general.
Key words: swine production, production diversification, pork, biogas, food
safety, production cost, price, efficiency, competitiveness, farm enterprises,



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