
  • Agata Szyran-Resiak Wyższa Szkoła Techniczno-Ekonomiczna w Świdnicy


This study presents detailed systematics of quality assessment methods for marketing organizations
diving it into three groups: qualitative, quantitative and qualitative-quantitative (mixed)
methods. The first group includes methods such as: marketing audit, marketing excellence
evaluation and review oftheethical and social responsibility of the organization. The second
group is: sales analysis, market share analysis, impact analysis with marketing expenditures
on sales area, financial analysis, profitability and efficiency control, marketing effectiveness
ranking and observation on customer satisfaction. The last group includes methods: balanced
scorecard and marketing benchmark.
Approach towards assessing the quality of organization’s marketing activities requires using
one particular method. Due to big number of existing methods for assessing the quality
of marketing activities, a question arises: which one will allow us fully assess the activity.
Key words: systematics, methods of assessing the quality of an organization’s marketing
activities, qualitative methods, quantitative methods, qualitative and quantitative methods



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