
  • Barbara A. Sypniewska


Key words: interpersonal communication, communication within an organization,
formal and informal communication, sources of information acquiring, job satisfaction,
income satisfaction, interpersonal satisfaction, satisfaction with contacts with
Communication within an organization is an issue which is frequently analyzed
in the specialist literature. The authors pay particular attention to its significance
and the role it plays in the proper functioning of each organization. The present
paper presents the results of the author’s study relating to the communication in the
organization, and especially the function of the formal and informal communication.
The research target was the identification of sources from which the employees
learn what is going on at work, defining the role which communication plays in
the organization as well as checking - depending on the preferred source of the
information - the satisfaction in the inter-personal relations, income satisfaction and
general job satisfaction as well as satisfaction with contacts with superiors.
A working hypothesis was formulated that the form of the information source
from which employees get to know what is happening in their working environment
significantly influences their general job satisfaction, income satisfaction, interpersonal
relations and contacts with their superiors. Additionally a few specific
arguments were presented which were positively verified. Generally the reseach
has proved that communication within the organization plays significant role and
that it considerably affects the general job satisfaction.



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