Key words: direct selling, multilevel marketing, financial pyramids, enterprise
Modern companies, trying to conquer a competitive market with
its products, should ask not only about the market demand for this
product, but also about the audience. This involves creating communications
policy with the environment, the gathering of information,
promotion and sales. The importance of knowledge and
skills to take on new challenges in the manufacturing and distribution
processes is especially evident in today’s market, which is characterized
by a saturation of products and fierce competition. To be
successful in the market, companies need to stand out, be creative,
communicative. Ability to sell products in a competitive market is
one of the key success factors. Companies are looking for the sales
methods, which would distinguish them from the competition.
The purpose of this article is to present a form of direct selling -
multi-level marketing (multilevel marketing - MLM), which is often
mistakenly associated with financial pyramids
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