


Italy, Italian lira, International Monetary Fund, European Payments Union, balance of payments, full currency convertibility, system of gold and currency, foreign exchange restrictions, exchange reserves, exchange parity


DOI: 10.19251/rtnp/2020.12(7)

The article discusses the successive stages involved in the Italian lira obtaining full convertibility according to the standards of the International Monetary Fund. The fulfillment of the main demands of the IMF and the formation of the monetary system functioning in the postwar period were accomplished
in 1958 with the transition of twelve Western European countries (including Italy) to the external convertibility of their individual currencies. This happened
as a result of the abolition of foreign exchange restrictions that were introduced earlier. It is possible to speak of the emergence of an international system of gold and currency under these conditions. All these changes made the Italian lira a “hard currency” and gave it the status of an international currency.
For the first time since the end of the war on June 30, 1960 the official exchange rate at the IMF was 0.001421 grams of pure gold. This exchange rate
remained at this level (with only minor deviations) for the next nine years. The introduced system of convertibility of the lira contributed to its strengthening
and stabilization as a currency in which balance of payments operations of many countries were conducted.


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