
  • Karolina Wodecka Karkonoska Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa w Jeleniej Górze



nationalism, national bolshevism, Eurasianism, Russia, Alexander Dugin


DOI: 10.19251/rtnp/2020.12(19)

The text deals with the issues of nationalism in contemporary Russia, with particular emphasis on the ideology of Eurasianism and national-bolshevism. The text also presents the figure of Alexander Dugin - a philosopher, lecturer at the Lomonosov Moscow State University, author of books and publications on, among others, the doctrine of Eurasianism, Russian geopolitics or the Noomahia project (War of the Mind). In numerous lectures and publications, Dugin tries to justify the necessity for mankind to depart reject the Western model of politics and lifestyle. Getting to know the views of this Russian philosopher allowed me to define the basic problems in philosophical and geopolitical terms. It comes down to the conclusion that it is necessary to counter the harmful effects of globalization and the ubiquitous Americanization of life, which is the main aim of this article. Alexander Dugin’s Eurasian thought has not enjoyed much interest in Polish literature so far, therefore, based on the reading and interpretation of the Russian texts of the mentioned author, I present an outline of his views. The starting point for these considerations is the statement that the only country that actively resists the hegemony of the United States is the Russian Federation, which is a civilization alternative to a spiritually impoverished Europe. According to Alexander Dugin, Eurasian Russia should act as the liberator of Europe, but this time from the American economic and cultural hegemony. Eduard Limonov, the charismatic leader of the Other Russia party, shared a similar opinion with Dugin because of his membership in the National Bolshevik Party. The article contains an analysis of their assumptions, common elements and divergences in worldview. There is no doubt, however, that Alexander Dugin’s Eurasian Party, with all its idealistic assumptions, is treated as an advisory body to President Vladimir Putin and not as a real political force in Russia.


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