Gestures of magic and rituals. Examples of emblematic gestures used in selected european countries


  • Agnieszka Szczepaniak-Olejniczak Kaliskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Nauk



emblems, emblematic ritual gestures, emblematic magic gestures, gestures of magic, symbolic ritual gestures in Europe


The text presents selected emblematic (symbolic) gestures referring to various rituals, superstitions and magic, used in interpersonal contact in present-day Poland and some other European countries. On the basis on source literature and the author’s research, carried out in the years 2007-2017 in Poland, Greece and Great Britain, there have been described and analysed the meaning, function, etymology and the context of using of gestures such as spitting, touching wood, pressing thumbs, crossing the fingers, the cross, the horn sign, the fig, the ring gesture or the so-called moutza. It has been, among others, concluded that some gestural symbols have been functioning in a given culture in the same form and with unchanged meaning for centuries or millennia; some have a dichotomous nature; others have lost their original, ritual (sacral) or magical character although their original form has been preserved.


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