The image of the eagle and other signs used in fire brigades from the moment of their establishment to the contemporary times


  • Zdzisław Jan Zasada Włocławek



Volunteer fire brigade, State fire brigade, professional guard, falcon, eagle, badge, helmet, cap


From the dawn of time, fire have been always a threat and a challenge to a men who have tried more or less successfully combat with it. The development of an industry, changes in the economy, the technical progress, the development of factories and workshops as well as the introduced fire regulations (in the mid-nineteenth century) - influenced the formation of specialized groups of men who, properly prepared and undertaken the fight against fires. In order to distinguish from civilians participating in extinguishing the fire, firefighters were gradually equipped with protective clothing and equipment. These elements were accompanied by emblems related to the place of operation, functional ranks, badges of the falcon or eagle, and the town’s coat of arms - first placed on helmets, then on caps and uniforms. Many of them were transferred to banners, seals, decorations, letterheads and logotypes of fire magazines. This article focuses on tracing the changes that took place and distinguish volunteer and professional firefighters. The matter of the problem, due to censorship and legal codifications, made it possible to precisely trace the changes - that have taken place in that regard - from the early establishment of fire brigades to the present days, on which this article is mainly focusing on.

Author Biography

Zdzisław Jan Zasada, Włocławek

Zdzisław Jan Zasada, młodszy brygadier PSP w stanie spoczynku, doktor nauk humanistycznych, adiunkt Kujawskiej Szkoły Wyższej we Włocławku. Zastępca przewodniczącego Komisji Historycznej Zarządu Głównego Związku OSP RP. Długoletni prezes Włocławskiego Towarzystwa Naukowego. Autor licznych monografii oraz artykułów o ochronie przeciwpożarowej Kujaw wschodnich i ziemi dobrzyńskiej.



