



coaching, facilitation, partnership, supervision


This study describes the LFC Leadership-Focused Coaching approach and supervision as a method of evaluation among educational staff. The aim of the analysis is to draw attention to the concept of reflexivity, to refer to the idea of partnership and to support teaching and management staff equally in their professional life. This ethnographic research was supported by experience on the example of a comperative case study in three different educational situations. Identified similarities and differences helped to identify opportunities and new assumptions for reflective work on the basis of research observations and theoretical analysis of concepts. Conclusions of the research drew attention to the role of group support, the importance of mentoring and showed the need for personal and emotional development. Both forms of evaluation were found to have many similarities, whereby the research helped to establish that they integrate the acquired knowledge through a reflective function. Subsequent approaches closed the research area in the conclusion that educational leadership also requires facilitation, while group collaboration provides an additional evaluation tool. This study  contributes to highlighting the importance of reflective supervision and LFC in the formation of modern education in the context of concern for respect, support and mentoring facilitation.


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