
  • Hanna Żuraw Uniwersytet Prz\yrodniczo-Humanistyczny w Siedlcach



social distance, stigma, Asperger′s Syndrome, teacher


The goal of the research was recognition of the extent of social distance created by teachers towards children with Asperger's syndrome.

Material and methods: Research was conducted in a group of 200 primary education teachers. These were individuals living in cities, aged 25-32 with a bachelor's degree.

The horizontal analysis consisted of the concept of the social distance (Hall, 2001), the Goffman's stigmatization option and the output of social psychology of the stigma (Heathertorn, Kleck, Hebl, Hull 2008) 

Results: according to the respondents, children with Asperger's syndrome are commonly met in schools. They often face difficulties in relationships with their peers. They are withdrawn, lonely, maladjusted but not aggressive. They do not pose a threat. This results is a relatively minor social distance towards students with Asperger's syndrome. Surveyed individuals expressed a willingness to accept such children as family members, organ donors and students of mass education. The knowledge revealed by the respondents about the causes of Asperger syndrome is disturbing though. It was established that 20% of the respondents associate it with vaccinations. The media are usually the source of such information.

Conclusions:  Findings show that a child with Asperger’s syndrome is considered dually weak; as a child and as a person with a disability. Also, everyday immediate relationships at school allow getting to know such a child and to eliminate fears inducted by individuals with mental health issues. What it means is that inclusive education meets its goals as a recounter of the disabled with the able-bodied. Popularizing scientific knowledge about reasons and results of Asperger syndrome is essential to prevent the spreading of prejudice against vaccinations.



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