


phaticity, phatic function of language, phatic culture, autobiographical practices, Internet


The article concerns the growing importance of the phaticity in autobiographical practices conducted in the networked communication environment. The reason for undertaking research on this phenomenon is the recognition of the complexity of the evolution of autobiographical practices on the Internet and the need to understand the stages and directions of these changes. The aim of the presented article is to characterize the process of the intensification of the phaticity in the online autobiographical practices. This process will be explained on the basis of the genre characteristics of personal home pages, blogs, social networking sites and applications for transmitting ephemeral content. The methodological background of the analysis is built by concepts of the functions of language by Roman Jakobson and the phatic communion by Bronisław Malinowski, also by the theory of the phatic culture developed by Vincent Miller, connecting linguistic and cultural perspective. Results of the analysis conducted in the field of the Internet genology show that people conduct online autobiographical practices more often not to preserve their own experiences for themselves and for future generations, but to be in the constant contact with others.


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