„Outside of Society”: Socio-political Aspects of Psychedelic/Narcotic Consumption in Selected Euroamerican Literatures


  • Andrzej Dorobek Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa w Płocku


literature originally concentrated on the authors’
experiences (vide De Quincey), in line
with the idea of Romantic individualism.
Promoting the attitudes considered anti-social
or immoral, it was unacceptable for the
protectors of any socio-political status quo,
and thus found itself „in exile” from the middle-
class society. With fin-de-siecle or surrealist
writers (vide Rimbaud), it became more
directly rebellious: evolving later from the
Beats’ isolationism and „passive resistance”
towards a socio-political utopia that, in the
Psychedelic Revolution era, was intended as
an alternative to the cul-de-sac of late capitalism.
i. e. as a mainstream socio-cultural
project. In this essay, we shall attempt to trace
the development of the socio-political traits
in drug-inspired literature, with special stress
upon A. Huxley, a tentative believer in the
aforementioned utopia, and W. S. Burroughs,
its „dystopian” deconstructor.

Keywords: psychedelics; narcotics;
isolation; escapism; revolution; utopia; dystopia.



Brown David J. 1993. „Introduction”. W Mavericks of the Mind. Conversations for the

New Millenium. Eds. David J. Brown and Rebecca McClen Novick. Web. http://

www.levity.com/mavericks/frames11.htm (access: 23 May, 2008).

Baudelaire Charles. 1992. Sztuczne raje. Trans. Marek Krentz and Piotr Majewski.

Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Głodnych Duchów/Księgarnia Artystyczna (originally

published as Les Paradis artificiels in 1860; the official English title: Artificial

Paradise. On Hashish and Wine as Means of Expanding Individuality). Translation

into English mine.

Burdon Eric. 1998. Press conference (7 May 1998). Warsaw, Polish Radio III.

Burroughs William S. 1968. The Ticket That Exploded. New York: Grove Press (originally

published in 1962).

Cocteau Jean. 1990. Opium. Dziennik kuracji odwykowej. Trans. Romualda and Andrzej

Nowak. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Literackie (originally published as Opium. Journal

d’une desintoxication in 1931). Translation into English mine.

Cope Julian. 1996. Krautrocksampler. London: Head Heritage

De Quincey Thomas. 1982. Wyznania angielskiego opiumisty i inne pisma. Trans.

Mirosław Bielewicz. Warszawa: Czytelnik. (originally published as Confessions

of an English Opium Eater in 1821).

Hofmann Albert. 2001. LSD... moje trudne dziecko. Trans. Krzysztof Lewandowski.

Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Latawiec (originally published as LSD – mein Sorgenkind.

Die Entdeckung einer “Wunderdroge” in 1979; the official English title:

LSD: My Problem Child).

Huxley Aldous. 1991. Drzwi percepcji. Niebo i piekło. Trans. Piotr Kołyszko (Drzwi

percepcji) and Henryk Waniek (Niebo i piekło). Warszawa: Przedświt (originally

published as The Doors of Perception and Heaven and Hell in 1954 and 1956


Huysmans Joris-Karl. 1976. Na wspak. Trans. Julian Rogoziński. Warszawa: Czytelnik

(originally published as A rebours in 1884).

Księżyk Rafał. 2001. „Bluźnierstwa dorosłego Pottera”. Machina, nr 9.

Kuncewiczowa, Maria. 1979. Fantasia alla polacca. Warszawa: Czytelnik.

Leary Timothy. 1998. Polityka ekstazy. Trans. Dariusz Misiuna and Robert Palusiński.

Kraków: Wydawnictwo EJB (originally published as The Politics of Ecstasy in


Parandowski Jan. 1950. Alchemia słowa. Warszawa: Gebethner i Wolff.

Rimbaud Jean Arthur. 1970. „Statek pijany”. Trans. Miriam. W Wypisy z literatury

powszechnej. Ed. Lesław Eustachiewicz. Warszawa: PZWS, (the English title:

“The Drunken Boat”; originally published as „Le Bateau ivre” in 1871). Translation

into English mine.

Rimbaud Jean Arthur. 1998. Sezon w piekle. Iluminacje. Trans. Artur Międzyrzecki.

Warszawa: Prószyński i S-ka (originally published as d’Une saison en enfer and

Illuminations, in 1873 and 1886 respectively; the official English titles: Season in

Hell and Illuminations). Translation into English mine.

Smith Patti. „Rock’N’Roll Nigger”. Easter. Arista, 1978. LP.

Wilde Oscar. 1998. The Picture of Dorian Gray. Oxford: OUP (originally published in


Witkiewicz Stanisław. I (Witkacy). 1979. „Matka”. W Dramaty. Warszawa: PIW. (originally

published in 1924).

Witkiewicz Stanisław. I (Witkacy). 2010. Pożegnanie jesieni. Warszawa: Prószyński

i S-ka. (originally published in 1927). Translation into English mine.

Witkiewicz Stanisław. I (Witkacy). 1979. Narkotyki - Niemyte dusze. Warszawa: PIW

(Narkotyki originally published in 1932 as Nikotyna, Alkohol, Kokaina, Peyotl,

Morfina, Eter + Appendix).




