The problem of alcoholism among students and their families in the prevention and therapy of a school pedagogue


  • Arkadiusz Padrak Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej w Warszawie


alcoholism, young people



The presented article deals with the issues related to alcoholism, which is still one of the greatest addictions in our country. This is because of the prevailing customs. Alcohol is an indispensable element of modern culture that plays an important role in human relationships.The amount of alcohol drunk, as well as the way of consuming it, are regulated by cultural and moral norms. However, it should be remembered that it is a substance that is legally prohibited for young people. The issue was presented from the perspective of a young people (students) and a participant in family life - where alcohol plays an important role, because it is often an inherent attribute of family life. The drinking patterns of adults in the student's environment also play an important role. Young people perceive alcohol consumption as an attribute of adulthood and an element of good fun. The article also describes the effects of alcoholism - both health and social.


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