


ADHD, aleksytymia, depresja, supresja, gniew, lęk


Objective: Assessment of emotional control from the perspective of young adults with ADHD.

Method: 86 young adults (M = 23.14; SD = 2.06) took part in the questionnaire study. The respondents completed two tools: the Courtauld Emotional Control Scale (CECS) and the structured ADHD diagnostic interview for adults (DIVA 2.0).

Results: Despite the fact that adults with ADHD more often choose negative emotions as dominant in their lives or more often struggle with the inability to name the conditions they experience no statistically significant differences were found between young adults with ADHD and without it disturbing in terms of suppressing the experienced emotional states.

Conclusion: Adult ADHD adults' perceptions of regulating their emotional states may be distorted due to the greater number of difficult emotions they identify in their daily lives.


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