


Street children/ children in the street, tourist, participant observation, focus interviews, photo reports


In this article, I present my reflections about research with street children. I show how I, as a researcher, tried to go into child`s word to understand it. During the research project I had a feeling that I was as the tourist in the unknown space full of secrets and mysteries. I took an inspiration to that comparition from Z. Bauman (1993). That the article is meant to contribute to a discourse about research with children as participants who like tourist guides bring us into their world. I conducted my research with street children as participators using participant observation (Angrosino 2010), focus interviews (Barbour 2011) and photo reports (Sztompka 2005; Banks 2009). Children were my guides in the street world. In this article I present my experiences of doing research with children and also how I, as a researcher, matured to qualitative research. My journey has enriched my practice of doing research and I would
like to share it. I introduce street children as involved participants of research who are very helpfull in understanding street life.


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