Are Polish pupils of older school age open to "otherness"? Some comments about pupils’ attitudes to “Others” in the context of social determinants




sociodemographic and social determinants, “Other”, pupils of older school age, social exclusion


The article presents results of the research affects older school age students’ reference to the “Others” in the context of sociodemographic and – more broadly - social determinants. I pointed to four factors of distinctness and six categories „Others”. Research group involves pupils of older school age (15-year-old) from inclusive school and non inclusive school in Cracow.

Research has shown that students from school for all are more accepting toward „Others” than pupils from inclusive school. It means, that attendance to inclusive class does not have an influence on higher level of „Others” acceptance. Analyzes have shown that there are some aspects affecting older school age student’s positive attitude towards „Others”, e.g.: contact with the „Others” in peer groups and also in neighbourhood (local environment).


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