Techniques of teaching children with specific learning disorders at general education and English language lessons




specific learning disorders, techniques of work, foreign language teaching, special educational needs


The text addresses an issue of specific learning disorders (SLDs) with reference to techniques of work applied by general education and English language teachers of young learners. Due to doubts raised about adequacy of applied foreign language teaching techniques and teacher’s competence for work with learners with SLDs (Bogdanowicz 2011, Plichta 2012, Sikora-Banasik 2017), the researcher decided to compare the quality of the techniques of work presently applied by both groups of teachers. Attention was drawn to the techniques that strengthen learners’ sustainable general and emotional development. The results of the mixed type qualitative and quantitative research revealed that English language teachers, quite contrary to general education teachers, prefer traditional techniques of work, rarely apply activities that develop fine and gross motor skills and depend their teaching on the content of the applied coursebooks. In this sense, they do not support the idea of inclusive approach in language education.      


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