
  • Ilona Żeber-Dzikowska Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach
  • Alicja Walosik Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences, KEN Pedagogical University in Krakow, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5772-7978
  • Kinga Wierzbicka Małopolskie Teacher Training Center, Kraków




distance learning, methods, forms, techniques, tools of remote work



The current situation in Poland has obligated teachers to use tools for remote work. Such solutions presented teachers and students with new tasks and challenges that had to be met. This method of education brings many benefits, as it allows teachers and students to keep their work flowing, and is a stimulus especially for those who do not use educational applications, platforms or online tools on a daily basis to shape new skills and competences.

Online learning requires a completely different methodology, work planning and different types of tasks and activities. The teacher should assume the role of a tutor and mentor who can motivate and inspire students to engage and deepen their knowledge on their own, which will ensure effective distance learning.

However, the period of remote education that has been going on for almost a year has shown that the situation is much more complex. The technological equipment of schools, the availability of equipment and the Internet in students' homes, the level of digital and information competences of teachers and students, the availability of digital teaching materials, and above all a number of social issues, made remote education a very big challenge for teachers and students.

The aim of the research carried out in the period from January to March 2021 among 50 biology teachers from the Małopolskie Voivodeship was to diagnose the functioning of remote education at school, in the new school reality and the challenges that were faced by schools, teachers, parents and, above all, students.

The results of the research showed a number of logistical and hardware problems, problems related to the level of teachers' preparation for the proper conduct of remote education at school, adapting teaching and learning methods and techniques, monitoring and verifying student progress, as well as building relations between the teacher and the student.


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Zintegrowana Strategia Umiejętności 2030, 2019, Ministerstwo Edukacji Narodowej

Online Resources

[www1] Prezi, https://prezi.com/ (access: 27.05.2021)

[www2] Infografiki, https://www.canva.com/pl_pl/tworzyc/infografiki/ (access: 26.01.2020)

[www3] Witryny Google, https://sites.google.com/new (access: 26.05.2021)

[www4] WebQuest Generator, http://ii.uwb.edu.pl/generator/ (access: 26.05.2021)

[www5] Komisja Europejska | Unia Europejska (europa.eu) (access: 27.05.202




