The Main Tendencies of Transformation of Educational Systems in the Context of Ideological Foundations of Global Social Development


  • Oksana Kondur Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Ukraine


DOI: 10.19251/sej/2018.7(16)

The social changes that led to the transformation of the educational sphere are described in the article. The global social transformations and the educational and upbringing reform associated with them are intended to implement a certain homogenization of the systems of social education and management of education in the spirit of efforts to create a global cultural, economic, political, legal and socio-civil space are analyzed from the point of view of the methodology of education. The modernization of social, economic and political development and personality potential in the values and normative dimension of modern globalized societies of the world is explored. The modern conceptions of education and educational management are examined.The prospects of humanization of educational systems, management and upbringing are examined.

It is mentioned that among the prerequisites of the existence of a developed civil society a successful formation and functioning of educational systems is necessary. The main task of modern education is the formation of literacy in the youth in according to the future (futures literacy) is described.

Key words: education, upbringing, transformation, educational systems, values, principles, educational management.



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Oksana Kondur, Deputy Dean of the Pedagogical Faculty,Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Ukraine





