


new technologies, dyscalculia, technological support of therapy, mathematics education, child


Developmental dyscalculia is characterized by decreased numerical and finger skills. In general, dyscalculia affects children with learning disabilities in mathematics and is usually associated with problems that prevent effective acquisition of mathematical competence. There are different ways of supporting children with dyscalculia, but there is no single therapeutic approach to it. Among the available publications we can find some that discuss the possibility of supporting the therapy of children with dyscalculia by new technological solutions. The present study verified this issue by means of a review of English-language literature. Research on the use of new technologies in working with children with dyscalculia is noted and several potentially used technological tools and their benefits of this type of assistance are pointed out. The literature review shows that technology can enhance educational therapy for children with dyscalculia and that there is a need for intensified research on this topic, as well as a need to standardize the terminology used in this area.


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