


burnout syndrome, psychosocial correlates of occupational burnout, education, religion, teacher, upbringing


The article focuses on the problem of professional burnout, taking into account the teaching environment (teachers of religion). It is an attempt to present the psychosocial correlates of this phenomenon. Professional burnout syndrome is a syndrome of symptoms resulting from emotional and physical overload, which is caused directly by stress in the workplace/school. Burnout is considered to be a consequence of work-related stress resulting from a lack of fit between the employee and the work environment. More recently, burnout has been conceptualized as an erosion of work engagement. (Maslach, 1998, 2010, 13‑31; Maslach, Saufeli, 1993; Maslach, Leiter, 2008) People who work in occupations that require intense interpersonal contact with students, parents, patients, clients, or the public are exposed to this specific emotional stress. Burned out employees/teachers are always a problem for the effectiveness of their work/organization.


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